Flower Delivery in Chicago and Suburbs
Professional design and local florist delivery in Chicago and more than 150 suburbs. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Teleflora Starry Snowflakes Centerpiece #4X110

Add a touch of elegance to any winter gathering with this festive display of white roses, spray roses, button poms, evergreens and holiday accents nestled in a hand-painted, food-safe serving dish with a charming snowflake motif. Great for today's on-trend interiors! Approximately 15 to 17 inches in width. Available for delivery in Chicago and most suburbs till Christmas Eve 2024, while supplies last. THIS CONTAINER IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE IN MANY AREAS, SO A SIMILAR ARRANGEMENT IN AN ALTERNATE CONTAINER MAY BE DELIVERED WHERE NECESSARY. (Photo copyright Teleflora.)

$89.95 as shown

Order by phone 630-719-5200

Phillip's Flowers & Gifts Online Florist

Eight Award-Winning Illinois Locations Serving Chicago & Suburbs

All Stores & Orders By Phone (630) 719-5200 or 1-800-FLORALS

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