Flower Delivery in Chicago and Suburbs
Professional design and local florist delivery in Chicago and more than 150 suburbs. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Teleflora Enchanted Forest Bouquet #4T300

Brighten anyone's day with this compact bouquet of fresh Fall flowers designed and delivered in an exclusive forest themed cachepot with a ceramic autumn leaf charm. This delightful design includes roses, miniature carnations, button poms, daisy poms, or similar seasonal blooms, combined with foliage. Great for home or office! Approximately 10 to 12 inches in height. Available for delivery in Chicago and most suburbs till Thanksgiving, while supplies last. Style of container may vary in some locales. (Photo copyright Teleflora.)

$59.95 as shown

Order by phone 630-719-5200

Phillip's Flowers & Gifts Online Florist

Eight Award-Winning Illinois Locations Serving Chicago & Suburbs

All Stores & Orders By Phone (630) 719-5200 or 1-800-FLORALS

  • Elmhurst
  • Hinsdale
  • LaGrange
  • Lombard
  • Naperville
  • Oak Brook
  • Westmont
  • Wheaton